(Updated on June 25, 2024)
What is the eMPF Platform?
The Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) System came into effect in 2000. Currently, there are 13 MPF trustees offering 27 MPF schemes to about 4.5 million scheme members and 10 million MPF accounts. More than 65% of the 30 million MPF administration transactions per year are paper-based, and the lack of a standardized and centralized administration platform, leading to a higher amount of administration fees.
To streamline, standardize and automate the existing MPF scheme administration processes, the Government and the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) are pressing ahead to develop the eMPF Platform. The eMPF Platform will serve as a one-stop electronic platform for employers, employees and scheme members to manage their MPF accounts across different MPF schemes anytime and anywhere, as well as to reduce paper work and human errors.
The eMPF Platform is the most significant reform of the MPF System since its establishment. Through adoption of the platform, it could drive greater operational efficiency, create room for fee reduction and enhance user experience. In the first two years after the implementation of the eMPF Platform, an average reduction of about 30% in the scheme administration fees payable by scheme members is expected. The Platform is estimated to achieve cumulative administration cost savings of $30 billion to $40 billion over a 10-year period.
4 Benefits of Using the eMPF Platform
(Source: MPFA)
Latest Schedule for MPF Scheme and Trustee Onboarding to the eMPF Platform
The eMPF Platform will begin operation on June 26, 2024. The latest schedule for MPF scheme and trustee onboarding are as follows:
(Source: MPFA)
General Questions about the eMPF Platform for Employers
1. Will all administration works be shifted to the eMPF Platform in the future?
Upon the onboarding of a scheme to the eMPF Platform, the administration of the scheme will be performed by the eMPF Platform. Participating employers and scheme members of the scheme are immediately required to manage their MPF accounts through the eMPF Platform and submit their MPF administration instructions to the Platform for processing.
2. What are the documents that a company is required to submit for eMPF registration?
The following documents are required to be submitted by the Company Authorized Person on behalf of the company to complete eMPF registration:
1. A valid document as proof of registration or existence of your company or organization, such as Business Registration (BR) Certificate or Certificate of Incorporation (CI);
2. “Company Authorized Person” Appointment Form, which is a document to prove that you are authorized to perform the registration for your company or organization.
3. When and how will I know if my MPF scheme is onboarded to the eMPF Platform? What should I pay attention to?
A communication pack with a “Notice to participating Employers and Scheme Members of the Scheme” will be sent by the trustee to the scheme participating employers before the onboarding of the MPF scheme. The onboarding date of the MPF scheme and important information about onboarding, such as the cut-off date for trustee/sponsor to receive MPF administration instructions, the eMPF Registration Code, the registration start day etc. will be provided in the communicaiton pack.
You may also refer to the onboarding schedule of the schemes on the eMPF website.
Please contact your trustee/sponsor of the participating MPF scheme for the information, if you have not received the communication pack two months before the scheme onboarding date.
4. Will the existing MPF accounts of my employees who are under employment be transferred to the eMPF Platform, or do I need to create accounts for those employees again on the eMPF Platform?
The existing MPF accounts of your employees who are under employment will be transferred from trustees’ systems to the eMPF Platform. Employers do not need to create MPF accounts for those employees again on the Platform.
5. Currently, my company uses our own payroll software to calculate and submit contribution data to the trustees. We would like to continue to use such payroll software to calculate and submit contribution data to the eMPF Platform after the MPF scheme in which my company is participating is onboarded to the Platform. What should I do to continue to use the software?
Employers who own and maintain internal payroll system should check if the remittance statement (contribution file) prepared by your system can meet with the eMPF Platform’s requirements. If employers do not have the technical specifications, you may request for it by filling in the eForm through the link.
If the payroll software is not eMPF-ready, employers can choose to fill in and submit contribution data through the eMPF Platform.
6. Currently, the employer and its new employees need to complete and sign the employee enrolment application form. Will the same practice be adopted after the MPF scheme in which my company is participating is onboarded to the eMPF Platform?
After the MPF scheme in which your company is participating is onboarded to the eMPF Platform, employee enrolment could be processed via the eMPF Platform online. Once you have completed your part of the new employee enrolment application, a notification will be sent to the employees for them to complete their parts through the eMPF Platform.
Employers can also submit the employee enrolment application forms, which have been completed by both employer and employees, to the eMPF Platform by post (P.O. Box 98929, Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office), email (forms@support.empf.org.hk) or fax (3197 2988), or to any of the eMPF Service Centres in person. Please click here for the location details.
7. Do I need to confirm that an employee has registered with eMPF before enrolling the employee in an MPF scheme?
You do not have to confirm if the employee has registered with eMPF or not, as the employee can complete eMPF registration and enrolment in one go.
8. I am an employer enrolled in an industry scheme, how do I open a casual employee account for the casual employees via the eMPF Platform?
You can enrol the casual employees in the company’s MPF account under the industry scheme by selecting “Manage Employee” > “Enrol New Employees”. Please refer to the relevant Web Portal user guide for details.
Alternatively, you can submit instructions via the eMPF Mobile App. Please refer to the relevant user guide for details.
9. The company has set up a Direct Debit Instruction (DDI) with the current trustee to settle MPF contributions. After the scheme in which the company is participating is onboarded to the eMPF Platform, do I need to set up DDI again?
If you have set up a DDI with the current trustee, the data of your DDI will be migrated to the eMPF Platform during scheme onboarding. You need not set up the DDI again. You can find your DDI information under “Manage Scheme” > “Manage Enrolled Scheme” on the eMPF Web Portal, please check accordingly after the scheme in which the company is participating is onboarded to the eMPF Platform.
Alternatively, you can find DDI information under “Manage MPF” > “Manage Enrolled Scheme” on the eMPF Mobile App.
10. If an employee has not registered with eMPF, can the company make contributions for that employee via the eMPF Platform?
We encourage employees to register with eMPF to facilitate them in managing their MPF. However, whether the employee has registered with eMPF will not affect the contribution process of an employer on the eMPF Platform.
11. Is it compulsory for employers and scheme members to register with the eMPF Platform in order to manage their MPF accounts?
Upon onboarding of an MPF scheme to the eMPF Platform, all employers and scheme members of the scheme are required to register with the eMPF Platform to obtain an eMPF ID and user credentials for future logins to the eMPF Platform to manage their MPF accounts electronically.
We strongly recommend employers and scheme members to manage their MPF accounts through digital means. However, employers and scheme members, if they prefer, can still submit their MPF related instructions to the eMPF Platform in paper form via different means (e.g. by post, fax, email to designated contact address or number, or in person to drop-in box at any of the eMPF Service Centres).
12. Currently, I am submitting MPF administration instructions and forms to my trustee through its online portal. What is the arrangement after my scheme is onboarded to the eMPF Platform?
All employers and members have to submit MPF administration instructions to the eMPF Platform after their participating scheme is onboarded to the eMPF Platform.
13. Can I continue to submit instructions to my trustee after the scheme is onboarded to the eMPF Platform?
No, you are required to submit MPF administration instructions to the eMPF Platform for processing.
14. Is there any change in the administrative model between employers and trustees after the scheme in which employers are participating is onboarded to the eMPF Platform?
Upon onboarding of a scheme to the eMPF Platform, the administration of the scheme will be performed by the eMPF Platform. Participating employers and scheme members are immediately required to manage their MPF accounts through the eMPF Platform and submit their MPF instructions to the Platform directly, and they should no longer submit their instructions to their trustees.
15. Will the eMPF Platform support Industry Schemes?
All MPF schemes, including Industry Schemes, will be onboarded to the eMPF Platform according to the onboarding schedule.
16. Will the eMPF Platform support ORSO schemes?
Only MPF schemes will be onboarded to the eMPF Platform. ORSO trustees/administrators can make use of the eMPF Platform to transfer benefits from ORSO schemes to MPF schemes. Other than that, ORSO scheme administration will not be supported by the eMPF Platform.
Click here to view more general questions about the eMPF Platform for employers.
How Employers Can Benefit from the eMPF Platform?
There are 330,000 participating employers in the MPF schemes, involving cumbersome administration processes and a high volume of paper-based transactions. According to the MPFA, they issued payments notices to over 200,000 employers who had delayed or defaulted on contributions, resulting in $60 million in surcharges.
The eMPF Platform will replace the current cumbersome enrolment procedure such as filling and signing paper forms, manual submission and checking of documents. Enrolment in MPF schemes and contributions will be made electronically via the Platform, driving greater operational efficiency. Employers will receive reminders of MPF contributions submission, helping them avoid the imposition of contribution surcharge due to failure to pay the contributions punctually. Moreover, the Platform can also help calculate MPF contributions automatically to prevent inadvertent delay or default contributions due to human errors that would result in contribution surcharge. Employers can review contribution and transaction history anytime.
Some employers are concerned that the support services of the eMPF Platform would be insufficient, the MPFA claimed that hotlines and outreach teams will be set up to help employers and employees address problems while using the Platform.
(Source: HKET)
For employers that are using a HR software and a payroll system concern if their systems can integrate with the eMPF Platform, the MPFA and the project contractor had organized various briefings for HR and payroll software providers on how HR software solutions and payroll systems could integrate with the eMPF Platform, with a view to ensuring a smooth transition to the Platform for all users. Employers could contact their HR software provider for further information.
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