FlexSystem has been awarded SOA-QPS 5 for both Category A Major and Cat C Minor, which covers projects up to c. US$ 2.5m (HK$20m) for the former and up to just under US$400k (HK$ 3m) for the latter. This is for the provision of information technology (IT) professional services under the Standing Offer Agreement for Quality Professional Services (SOA-QPS) scheme. SOA-QPS 5 commenced on January 31, 2022, for a period of 48 months.
The Standing Offer Agreement for Quality Professional Services 5 (SOA-QPS5) enlarges the Government’s delivery capacity for IT services and accelerates the delivery of IT solutions to support the increasing demand of digital government services.
The HKSAR Government has adopted the SOA-QPS scheme since 2005 to streamline the process for acquiring IT professional services. A technical to price weighting of 70:30, 60:40 and 50:50 will be adopted in the tender assessment for Category A, Category B and Category C respectively. During the contract period, government bureaux and departments invite proposals for their IT projects from contractors in the relevant Categories and Groups and select contractors to undertake the assignment based on technical and price assessments.
Learn more about the OGCIO Contractor List: https://www.ogcio.gov.hk/en/our_work/business/business_window/contractor_list.htm#soa-qps